Know About The Abortion Pill Doing, its Side-Effects, and Risks
Abortion is a process to end early pregnancies. This process administers by the gynecologist. Abortion can process by two methods. One is the medication abortion, and another is the surgical abortion method. Abortion Pill assigns for the medication abortion process. The abortion pill is a combination of two separate medicines. You cannot purchase these pills direct from the drugstore because these are part of the medical prescription list. The prescription medicines get after the recommendation of the doctor. Abortion pills are safe and secure for ending the pregnancy. There might be some complications arise during the process. This blog will discuss the abortion pill, its side effects, and its risks.
What is An Abortion Pill?
An abortion pill is a prescription drug to end an early pregnancy. The abortion pill is a combination of two separate medicines. These medicines are Mifepristone and Misoprostol. Generally, these medicines use in the first trimester of pregnancy. The first trimester of the pregnancy counts the first 13 weeks of gestation. You can take the Abortion Pill in the second trimester but in a few circumstances.
How Does the Abortion Pill Work?
First of all, your medical expert inspects your pregnancy. The doctor also checks your medical reports and medical history. Once the doctor ensures the routine abortion procedure, start your process. On the first day, you take the Mifepristone pill. This pill stops your progesterone hormone. The progesterone hormone is the solely responsible hormone for growing the pregnancy. After taking the Mifepristone pill, your pregnancy stops developing further.
Then the gynecologist calls you to the women's center for abortion. After taking the Mifepristone pill, you should take Misoprostol within 24-48 hours. The Misoprostol pill starts cramping and bleeding you. Large blood clots like lemon sizes pass out. This process continues for 4-6 hours. You feel just like you fell into a miscarriage. Once the process is over, you can go home on the same day after taking some rest.
The Common Side-Effects of the Abortion Pill:
After taking the misoprostol pill, you feel some complications for 24-72 hours. These are general problems and can resolve with simple care and medications. These are the following.
After taking the misoprostol pill, you feel cramping. This pill causes strong-uterine contractions to help your body pass the pregnancy.
The vaginal bleeding will be heavier for some time than normal monthly menstruation. It happens because the pregnancy leaves your body. It contains clots and tissue.
Nausea and weakness for 24-72 hours.
Fewer around 100.4 for 24 hours.
Vomiting and headache
The vaginal bleeding and the cramping means that the Abortion Pill is working. If these symptoms are severe and stay for long, it could be a sign of seriousness.
Any Serious Side-Effects or Risks:
After taking the abortion pill, you feel simple illness issues that can cure. But in some cases, serious complications arise. These risks must treat immediately otherwise the result could be fatal.
Generally, medication abortion is a safe and natural way to end the pregnancy. In some cases, the process of abortion is not complete. Incomplete abortion raises serious concerns for the abortionist. In such conditions, a surgical procedure adopts by the gynecologist.
In some cases, the vaginal bleeding remains heavy for a duration.
Sometimes blood clots retain in your uterus. You ask your medical expert for an extra dose or another option to complete the abortion.
You may encounter an intense infection. If you feel nausea, weakness, or pain after 24 hours of abortion, it may be an infection.
You may face ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies are pregnancies which find outside the uterus.
Medication abortion considers one of the safest and most secure ways to end early pregnancies. After the abortion process completes, you are ready again for pregnancy within 7-10 days. The Abortion Pill has fewer side effects and more-effective drug for ending early pregnancies. So Avoid using it again and again. You can only consume it if your doctor has told you.