Medical Abortion With Methotrexate Abortion Pill

Medical Abortion With Methotrexate Abortion Pill

An abortion is a procedure to terminate a pregnancy conducted by a doctor. There are two different methods to eliminate a pregnancy. One is the medical abortion method, and another is the surgical abortion method. In the medical abortion process, the doctor uses two different medicines to end the pregnancy, while in the surgical abortion process, the doctor conducts a short surgery. Methotrexate is a pill that uses for medical abortion procedures. Orlando Women’s Center, a famous and credible abortion clinic in the USA, shares information about Non-Surgical Abortion Using Methotrexate. The methotrexate pill uses in combination.

About Trimesters System:

A pregnancy divides into three categories based on the gestation period. These are called the trimester. Generally, all clinics adopt the three trimesters but with a little bit of difference in their gestation weeks. The followings are the trimesters and their gestation weeks.

  • The first trimester is from 0 days to 12 weeks.

  • The second trimester is from 13 weeks to 25 weeks, and

  • The third trimester is from 26 weeks till the baby’s birthday.

Some clinics add a fourth trimester also in their list. These clinics count the first three months after the delivery to care better for both the baby and the mother. A pregnant’s gestation counts from the first day of her last menstrual period.

About Medical Abortion:

In medicinal terms, medical abortion induces by abortifacient pills. One of the most common early first-trimester medical abortion regimens uses the methotrexate pill. The doctor uses the methotrexate in combination with a prostaglandin pill for up to 7 weeks gestation. According to gynecologists, the Mifepristone and Misoprostol combination regimens work faster as well as more effectively at later gestational ages. A combination regimen is always better than a lonely misoprostol pill.

The Medical Abortion Procedure:

First of all, the doctor inspects your pregnancy condition. The doctor also examines your medical reports and medical history. You can ask any question relating to your pregnancy and abortion procedure at this time. You will brief about the whole abortion process and what could be the complication during the abortion process. Once the doctor assures about the routine functioning of the abortion procedure, start the process.

First, the doctor gives you a pill called methotrexate. This medicine stops your pregnancy from growing further. The methotrexate pill blocks your body's progesterone hormone. This hormone is solely responsible for developing your pregnancy. Generally, the methotrexate pill uses for ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy defines as a pregnancy that implants outside the uterus.

On the procedure day, the doctor gives another medicine called misoprostol within 12-48 hours of the methotrexate. This pill starts cramping and bleeding you. Your uterus starts emptying. Blood clots like lemon sizes pass out from your vagina. This process continues for 3-6 hours. Once the abortion is over, you can go home on the same day after taking some rest just immediately after the abortion procedure.

General Complications Of The Methotrexate Pill:

An abortionist will feel some physical as well as emotional complications during and after the abortion procedure. These are as follows.

  • The abortionist will feel nausea and vomiting.

  • The patient will have a fewer around 100.4 for 24-72 hours.

  • You can feel the cramping and spotting for the coming few days after the abortion procedure.

  • The patient will feel headaches and severe pain.

After the abortion procedure is over, the woman also faces some psychological issues. Every person has their emotional result. These are as follows.

  • Sometimes the abortionist feels relaxed and easy.

  • Sometimes they feel freedom from an unwanted thing.

  • Some patients dive deep into grief and think they have lost something essential. Etc


The methotrexate abortion pill generally uses for ectopic pregnancies rather than womb pregnancies. It is also used in other serious diseases like cancer, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Non-Surgical Abortion Using Methotrexate is an earlier method for medical abortion.